Sum Of Two Numbers in Shell/Bash Programming


Sum Of Two Numbers

  • Explanation
  • Input

read Num1

read Num2

  • Sum

Sum=$(($Num1 + $Num2))  OR  Sum=`expr $Num1 + $Num2`

  • Output

echo "Sum Of Two Numbers=$Sum"

  • Example Code

#Sum of two number without expr

echo "Enter the first Number"
read num1

echo "Enter the second Number"
read num2
sum=$(($num1 + $num2))
echo "Sum Of Two Number : $sum"

  • Result

Input : 

10 20

Output : 

Sum Of Two Number : 30

  • Note
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    Sum Of Two Numbers in Shell/Bash Programming Sum Of Two Numbers in Shell/Bash Programming Reviewed by CodexRitik on November 15, 2020 Rating: 5

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