How to create the shell script in Linux - CodexRitik

How to create the shell script in Linux

  1. We can create the shell script file using any text editor like vim, gedit etc.But the file extension should be .sh.
  • Example

  • How to run shell script in Linux
          Method 1:

          Method 2:

       Permission denied error while executing the shell script
       While running the shell script, if we get "Permission denied" message we should give executable         permission to the file.

  • Example
      We can provide the executable permission by using the below command,

      chmod +x

      chmod (Change Mode) - Using chmod we can change the access permissions to file system    objects.

+x - It makes the file executable.

How to create the shell script in Linux - CodexRitik How to create the shell script in Linux - CodexRitik Reviewed by CodexRitik on July 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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