Corona Vs You || Awareness Challange.|| CodexRitik

  • Hello guys I am Ritik .I Have created this program for awareness against corona virus ,please share it to your Coder friends too. 
  • For Run this program please copy all code and paste your python compiler or computer .

#corona virus and your conversion written By CodexRitik

print("This game is for your Awareness.In this Game you will talk with corona virus" ,('\U0001F602')*4)

print('He say = Hy')

print('you say = who are you?')

print('He = i am corona virus')

print('Born in Wuhan.I was creaated in China on 16/10/2019')

print('you = what ! are you crazy \U0001F914')



input('what is your name =')#enter your name
print('{Hint: you can give answer only Yes or no}')

z=input('Do you have caugh =')#enter only yes or no

for i in range(1):

    if(z == s):

        print('Hint:You should take hot water daily')

        print('He is laughing \U0001F602')

if(z == t):

    print('you are Healthy')

x=input('Do you have fever =')

for i in range(1):

    if(x == s):

        print('Hint : Stay alert')

if(x == t):

    print('you are safe')

print('He say = I just met your friend he was missing you')

print('You = Really')

print('He = will you go to see him now')
print('{Hint: you can give answer only Yes or no}')

ans=input('Enter your reply =')#you can enter only yes or no

for i in range(1):

    if(ans == s):

        print('He = you got caught in my trap \U0001F602')

        print('sorry your game over')



        print('no i will talk him on call \U0001F602')

        print('He = uff \U0001F928')

        print('Congratulation you are a conscious person \U0001F929')

        print('He = what did you put on you face,i want to see your face')

        input('your reply =')

        print('He = will you remove the mask for sometime?')
        print('{Hint: you can give answer only Yes or no}')

        you =input('Enter your reply =')#you can enter only yes or no

    for i in range(1):

        if(you == s):

            print('He = you got caught in my trap \U0001F602')

            print('sorry your game over')



            print('never it is for everyone and my protection from dangerous viruses like you')

            print('He = uff \U0001F928')

            print('Congratulation you are a conscious person \U0001F929')

            print('He = Hello Friend look your brother has brought chocolate for you.Go Eat \U0001F60B')
            print('{Hint: you can give answer only Yes or no}')

            reply=input('Will you eat immediately =')#you can enter only yes or no

        for i in range(1):

            if(reply == s):

                print('He = you got caught in my trap \U0001f602')

                print('sorry your game over')


                print('you = I will clean my hands first with soap,Then eat chocolate \U0001F61C')

                print('He = Corona scared uff \U0001F928')

                print('you = Oye corona Run Away,we are Indians.We are not in the grip of your viruses and we can protect ourselves.Hello chinease listen we destroy the virus made by you under the leadership of our Honourable prime minister.we take an oath all safety rules are always follwed,will make everyone aware.')

                print('Thanks for participate in awareness against of corona.Your Brother CodexRitik Please stay Home and Stay Alert Thank You')

                a=input("Your name :")

                print(a,'Congratulation you are a Very conscious person \U0001F929')


Corona Vs You || Awareness Challange.|| CodexRitik Corona Vs You || Awareness Challange.|| CodexRitik Reviewed by CodexRitik on March 30, 2020 Rating: 5


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